
18 2022

Women's Dessert & Discussion: Geshem

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Yahelle Yaccoby

On Shemini Atzeret (the very end of the arc of the high holiday season), we offer a special prayer for rain. The traditional version of this prayer refers to each of the forefathers and their relationship to water. On this occasion, we will gather to celebrate our foremothers: Sarah, Hagar, Rivkah, Rachel, Leah, and Miriam. Join together to celebrate our deep connection to water – mayyim haim – the water of life.

Our guest speaker is Maeera Shreiber, Associate Professor, rabbinic student, and author.

Register here: https://shalomutah.regfox.com/womens-dessert-discussion-geshem